I’ve taken a lengthy vacation from my blog but I’m slowly getting back to it. Last week my Facebook accounts were taken over and I was unceremoniously removed from them and blocked from the platform. I’m mostly writing this post to let my 20k followers know that I’m OK and if someone reaches out to you on Facebook appearing to be me – they are not me. Please don’t give these people any money or personal information. And if you happen to see my photos being used on Facebook, please report them.
The social media companies are unavailable to those of us who lose our accounts – in fact – they seem to encourage the losses. They love it when we have to sign up for new accounts and rebuild our audiences. It inflates their numbers and makes them look much bigger than they are. I won’t be starting new accounts. This was a violating experience and one I don’t plan on experiencing again. So, if you need to reach out you can do so here on my blog. Yes, I’m still speaking to book clubs, doing book signings and still on my little farm with chickens, cats, goats and three big dogs.
If you’re one of my former followers – thank you so very much for all your support throughout the last 12 years. I truly miss interacting with you.
More to come. <3